Cunningham, F., Grauer, K. (2016 March) After they leave: what, if any, impact does Digital Media and Arts Based Practice Have? Presentation at the annual convention of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), Chicago, USA.
Cunningham, F, Baird, J, Grauer K. (2015 April) How to teach hard topics; Paper presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Museums Association (CMA), Banff, Alberta, Canada. CMA Presentation 2015 1.pdf
Ryoo, A, Grauer, K, Lin, C., Cunningham, F. (2015 March) Shifting Perceptions in the Digital Age; Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Zipped PDF for download.
Lalonde, M., Castro, J., (2015) Youth Cultural Practices in Social Media informing digital arts curriculum in formal and non-formal educational context. Presentation presented at the Canadian Society of the Study of Education, 2015 annual conference. Lalonde Castro COT CSSE 2015
LeBlanc N, Grauer, K. (2014 October) The Bully Files: Gifts & Social Emotional Learning; Canadian Society of Education Through Art (CSEA), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. CSEA2014-Halifax1.pdf
Lin, C., Grauer, K., Lalonde, M., & Baird, J. (2014, July). Citizens of Tomorrow: Media arts education and youth engagement. Paper presented at the 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA), Melbourne, Australia. INSEA presentation 1.pdf Lalonde_Castro_InSea_July 2014
Lin, C. & Grauer, K. (2014, April). Citizens of Tomorrow: Social Transformation through Youth Media Arts Practice. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Lin, C., Ryoo, A., Lalonde, M. & Grauer, K. (2014, March). Citizens of tomorrow: social transformation through urban youth media arts practice. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), San Diego, CA. NAEA 2014 1.pdf Ryoo Lalonde Grauer NAEA 2014
Lalonde, M. Citoyens de demain: étude des pratiques éducatives médiatiques émergentes. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association québécoise des éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés en arts plastiques (AQESAP), Trois-Rivières. COT_AQESAP
Lalonde, M, Castro, J. Citoyens de demain : étude d’impact des initiatives communautaires dédiées à l’apprentissage des arts médiatiques auprès des populations canadiennes de jeunes marginalisés en milieux urbains. Paper presented at the biannual Colloque sur la recherche en enseignement des arts visuels, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. CREA COT
Lin, C. & Grauer, K. (2013, September). Engaging Urban Youth through image-based research methods in community media arts programs. Paper resented at 3rd International Visual Methods Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Lin, C. & Cunningham, F. (2013, June). Native Youth Program: Exploring museum spaces for learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Victoria, BC, Canada. Zipped PDF for Download.
Lalonde, M, Castro J. (2013, June) Citizens of Tomorrow: Urban Youth through Community Arts Symposium at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education annual conference (CSSE), Victoria, BC. CSSE_Cite_des_arts
Lin, C. & Grauer, K. (2013, May). Citizens of Tomorrow: Connecting and Engaging Urban Youth through Media Arts. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Society for Education through Art (CSEA), Montreal, QC, Canada.CSEA2013 1.pdf
Lin, C. (2013, April). Digital narratives of First Nations Youth in the symposium of Youth, New Media Arts, and Learning in the Arts. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Lalonde, M. De l’approche communautaire de l’enseignement des arts numériques : médias sociaux et engagement social des jeunes à risques. Paper presented at the annual Concordia Art Education Graduate Symposium, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. Symposium 2014 001
Lalonde, M. Contrer le désengagement scolaire par l’enseignement des arts: perspectives de développement curriculaire auprès de jeunes décrocheurs. Paper presented at the Art Education Graduate Student Symposium, Canadian Society for Education through Art annual conference, Montreal, QC. CSEA .pdf
Lalonde, M, Castro, J. La Cité des Arts: Fostering School Motivation, Civic Engagement and Professional Practice for At-Risk Youth. Paper presented in Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) (ARTS) CSSE_Cite_des_arts-2
Grauer, K., Lin, C., & Castro, J. (2012, April). Learning in Places: Profiles of community-based new media arts practices. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lin, C., & Grauer, K. (2012, March). Community New Media Arts in Dialogue and Action. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Art Education Association, New York City, USA.
Grauer, K., & Lin, C. (2011, June). Creative Production, Youth Engagement, and Community-Based Media Arts Programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Fredericton, NB, Canada.